I have a bit of a writing challenge here. (Unlike the other political emails you get, I actually write mine.) That’s why I’m really irked by the ones that start: “Personal.”

Some of you have been hearing from me quite regularly. Others, perhaps, not for a few years. For those of you in the first category, thanks for still caring!

For the rest of you, let me catch you up real quick. First, I’m alive. 

I hope you’ve had a chance to listen to The Al Franken Podcast with guests like Adam Schiff, Joyce Vance, Paul Krugman, David Axelrod, and Michelle Obama. Well, not Michelle Obama, but guests like her!

Perhaps you’ve seen me on MSNBC or CNN weighing in on voting rights, right-wing disinformation, and the overarching threats to our democracy.

My political action committee, Midwest Values PAC, has continued to support candidates and initiatives in the tradition of Minnesota’s great liberal senators — Hubert Humphrey, Paul Wellstone, and Walter Mondale. 

Paul Wellstone was also a good friend and leader. He said, “We all do better when we all do better.” This simple, profound statement has become MVP’s credo. This past cycle, we supported Democrats and organizations who believe that our country, our economy, our democracy is stronger when all Americans have the opportunities and resources to succeed.

Whether it was investing in infrastructure to help the Democratic party in the long run, supporting female and minority candidates, or funding the ground game in critical battleground states — like Georgia (I coined the phrase, doorknock for Warnock!) — MVP spent our money wisely. (And even the ones we lost helped statewide turnout in key states.)

So, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. And I’ll try to stay in touch more regularly. 

All the best,


Midwest Values PAC supports candidates & causes that share our values.

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