For a good chunk of my life, I was a two-child dog man. Meaning that, according to JD Vance’s screwy logic, I would have deserved two additional votes — plus enjoying the added advantage of having a pet whose loyalty I could count on if I fell into quicksand and needed my canine companion to run for help. Lassie did that all the time: “What’s the matter, girl? Is Al in trouble?”

Lassie was a female. I’m not sure she had any children or owned a cat. But she was a dog and couldn’t vote regardless. Right, JD?

Sometimes you have to believe that both the top and the bottom of the Republican ticket are indeed — in Tim Walz’s parlance — just weird.  

Last week, Trump suggested that our Vice President tried to hide the fact that she was Black. She didn’t help her cause by going to Howard University, a historically Black college, and belonging to a national Black sorority. 

I think that most Americans learned the Indian-American part second. Or at the exact same time. I can’t remember. Anyway, the Vice President has borne no children and therefore deserves either zero votes or just one. Frankly, I’m confused by Vance’s whole calculus there.

If this seems like a weird fundraising email, I agree. Just know that your donation will go to electing Democrats running at the local, state, and national level. And we support only candidates who believe in one vote per person 18 years and older. 



P.S. If you’re not ancient like me, you may not remember the show “Lassie.” Timmy was an approximately 10-year-old boy who would have an adventure and get his leg trapped between a rock and a branch. And Lassie would run for help if she couldn’t free Timmy’s leg herself.

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