Two fun facts:

  1. Justice Clarence Thomas is 76. Justice Samuel Alito is 74. They both like luxury. Private jets to fly in. Exotic vacations to fancy schmancy destinations. 
  2. Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society guy who calls the SCOTUS shots, received a $1.6 billion gift a couple years ago from one of those right-wing billionaires.  

Now, how are these facts connected?

If Trump wins in November, I have the feeling that there will be plenty of cash available to finance two retirements of unimaginable luxury. There’s a lot of right-wing billionaires willing to make sure that happens. Which would leave two open seats for Trump to install 40-something-year-old right-wing justices. Justice Aileen Cannon has a ring to it!

Imagine the Supreme Court with five (or six — Roberts is 69) young right-wing justices. They would control the Court for another 20 to 30 years!!!

At Midwest Values PAC, we are investing in ground-game operations in battleground states to make sure that Vice President Kamala Harris, and not Donald Trump, will be in position to nominate justices for any vacancies that open up. 

The stakes are enormous — which is why MVP has also invested in all the key Senate races. And in key House races, governor races, and state and local campaigns. All made possible by donations from folks like you. (Or very different from you as well.)



P.S. We are now 88 days out. Which means fewer than 88 perfunctory postscripts that you’ll receive!

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