YIKES! The 2024 election is getting closer. And that means only one thing. It’s only going to continue to get closer.

And things are looking scarier and scarier.

Did you see the House Judiciary hearing with Merrick Garland the other week? It was sickening. If you haven’t watched it — DON’T! Not only do Republicans continue to spew lies; they do it in an increasingly obnoxious — check that, vicious — manner. You’ll just get depressed.

I know Merrick Garland. He is brilliant, honorable — the epitome of a public servant. OK. Just watch a little. It’s disgusting!

And after you watch even a bit, you’ll be convinced that this election is the most important since the last election with Trump. But thank God we won that!

As you know, Midwest Values PAC will be playing in local, state, federal, and the presidential election. We need your help.




P.S. Make sure you watch Jim Jordan’s opening questioning of the AG. It’s a horror show. Then, trust me, you will want to give us your kids’ inheritance!

Midwest Values PAC supports candidates & causes that share our values.

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