
This Supreme Court has grown increasingly partisan in its rulings. None more pointedly than its landmark immunity decision, giving presidents absolute immunity for exercising their core constitutional powers and the presumption of immunity for other official acts.

Now D.C. District Judge Tanya Chutkan is charged with deciphering that decision in terms of what it means for the January 6th case against Donald Trump.

Was Trump telling his Vice President to accept phony electoral ballots inside or outside his official duties? How about pressuring state legislators to provide those phony ballots? How about waiting three hours before calling off the rioters?

After Judge Chutkan makes her ruling, it will go to the D.C. circuit court, which weighed in on this question months ago, producing a reasonable definition of presidential immunity. Then it went to SCOTUS, where the justices waited until the last day of the term to issue their bombshell.

The Supreme Court is on the ballot this election because the White House and a third of the Senate are on the ballot — and that’s who appoints justices. Midwest Values PAC has already donated to our Senate candidates in contested races in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Ohio, Montana, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, Maryland, Minnesota, Tennessee, North Dakota, and Florida and to President Biden.

I know you know how much is at stake. And I know you know MVP is doing everything we can to make your dollars work toward winning this November.

I hope you can continue to help or help for the first time!


P.S. It falls on us to keep doing our work to defeat Trump in November. I hope you can support our efforts in this slightly weird time.

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