If I Was on Biden’s Debate Team…

Tonight will be the first of two debate rematches for Biden and Trump. I know I’ll be watching.

I jotted down some things I’d say to Biden’s debate team:

  • Have Biden call Trump out (again) on his suggestion that injecting disinfectant is a cure for COVID-19. If Trump says, “I was being sarcastic” (again), Biden should then suggest that all the networks play the 15-second clip of Trump suggesting it. It’s embarrassing.

  • Have Biden remind Trump about his touting hydroxychloroquine. It’s embarrassing.

  • Have Biden ridicule Trump for being a sore loser. Remind him of all those who told Trump he lost: from his Attorney General Bill Barr to his top Justice Department officials to his campaign manager to his White House counsel to the 60+ judges who ruled against him, a number of them Republicans. And a few of them were Trump’s appointees. It’s embarrassing.

  • Have Biden remind Americans that Trump could persuade right-wing billionaires to bribe Justices Alito and Thomas (and maybe even Roberts?) with big money and private jets to resign so that Trump can nominate two or three 45-year-old justices who will be around for another 30 or 40 years. That’s not embarrassing — just scary.

  • Have Biden remind Americans of all his successes, including: investing nearly $400 billion to address climate change, signing into law the biggest infrastructure package (aka JOBS package) since Eisenhower, capping prescription prices for seniors and insulin at $35 a month — to name a few.


P.S. This debate will put the stakes of this election in perspective. This is the reality — Biden or Trump will be our next president. Midwest Values PAC is investing heavily in ground game in battleground states for the fall. Every vote will count!

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