It’s time for all of you to celebrate my birthday! I’ll be 72 years old on May 21st!
But quickly get that date out of your head. Because we are doing a Zoom birthday party for me on Thursday, MAY 18TH!!! At 8 p.m. ET!!! With special guests, Dana Carvey, and Montana Senator Jon Tester!!! And me!!!

I am the bridge between the two of them. I did SNL with Dana. And the Senate with Jon.
We will not be raising money for Dana. He’s doing this for nothing. Except for fun. In fact, President Biden is almost certainly going to join us. Along with The Church Lady and perhaps Hans or Franz. I can’t remember which one was Dana.
Jon will not do any impressions. But he’ll talk about his race in Montana. Every one of his three Senate races have been extremely close. And this cycle will be even tougher. Democrats have 23 seats up and Republicans only have 10 — all of them safe. So, you can bet they’ll be spending a crapload of money on Jon.
Midwest Values PAC has supported Jon and will continue to do so. But we are asking you for $5 (or more!) to join the Zoom.
So, join the fun, because if you watched the Trump town hall meeting on CNN, you know that this election cycle will be nothing but fun!
And if you’d like to give $10 or $25 or more, it won’t be wasted.
P.S. I always add a P.S. as an excuse to make another ask. So… for god’s sake, help Jon hold on to Montana and Democrats hold on to the Senate. Remember, we’re going to need at least 50 seats to pass legislation in the Senate. And that’s assuming we win the White House. Speaking of which, your money will go to that effort as well.