Remember this email (see below) that I sent earlier this year saying Trump is not toast?

Disclaimer: While this might look like I’m forwarding the email from January 19th, I’m not actually forwarding the email from January 19th. This is just a clever way of re-upping an old email that you might’ve missed. And I really want to make sure you see this one!

OK — back to our regularly scheduled emailing: 

Remember that email? Well, I was right — Trump is definitely NOT toast. He’s the Republican nominee for president! So, it’s official: There will be a Biden-Trump rematch this November.

Like I said in January: It’s time to get our collective ass in gear and make sure Trump doesn’t return to the White House. MVP is sending money to battleground states to make sure that doesn’t happen, and your contributions support us. 


P.S. As if Trump isn’t a scary enough motivator, here’s another: The first end-of-quarter FEC deadline of 2024 is tomorrow!! Oooh very scary! TERRIFYING INDEED!!!


———-Original Message———-
SENDER: Al Franken
DATE: Fri Jan 19, 2024

Remember watching the January 6th Committee hearings and thinking, “Well, Trump is toast?” 

Remember when each of the four criminal cases against him were announced and thinking, “Well, Trump is toast?”

Well, he’s not toast.

This is real! We’re just a little over nine months out from November 5th, and it is not just plausible that Donald Trump could win a second term, it is a 50-50 proposition!

It’s time to get our collective ass in gear. (I think it is a collective ass and not collective asses — though I may be wrong.) At Midwest Values PAC that means raising serious money to make the contrast between Biden and Trump and finance ground games in battleground states. 

I urge you to get your individual ass in gear in any way you can. Whether that is working for a candidate you believe in, talking to your neighbors, or donating $25 to our efforts at MVP.

It’s getting scary!


P.S. I apologize for using fear as a motivator. But Jesus Christ!!!

Midwest Values PAC supports candidates & causes that share our values.

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