Do you feel like crap? I do.

Yesterday, Elon Musk pledged to give Trump $45 million a month.

We keep getting hit with bad polls — including one that says that, despite Trump’s animus toward immigrants, we’re losing Latino voters. And also Black voters. And Trump’s choice for his running mate is a guy who once called him “America’s Hitler” and makes Mike Pence look like Nelson Mandela.

So, yeah, I’m not doing great. But you know what? If we don’t leave it all on the field, then we’re really going to feel like crap.

So, don’t just sit there. Do whatever you can to make yourself feel better and restore some hope.

Call me Pollyanna, but I still believe we can win this thing. Because I believe in our party and what we represent. And so do you. That’s why you opened this email.

Let’s do this thing together.


P.S. I’m going for a bike ride now.

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