Do Minnesotans execute newborns?

It’s a bald-faced lie — one that Trump’s told often — that in some blue states, they allow infanticide. In June, Trump told Fox News: “Hard to believe, they have some states passing legislation where you can execute the baby after birth. It’s crazy.”

It is crazy. And, of course, not true. Just to be clear, infanticide is illegal in every state of the union. And D.C.

Last week Trump did it again. At a rally in Michigan. Then once again on Fox, he gave an example: “Some of the states like Minnesota and other states have it where you could actually execute the baby after birth.”

Why my home state of Minnesota? Well, that sounds a lot like a law that a radical like Tim Walz would sign, doesn’t it?

We have to beat this guy. It should be easy, considering how many provable lies he tells every day. But it’s not going to be. That’s why we are so focused on contrasting what our future would look like under Trump vs. Harris. 

The more we can give to organizations that will execute a strong ground-game operation — which means connecting with voters face to face — the better our chances of winning this thing will be. Thanks for your support!


P.S. I’ve checked. And killing newborns is also illegal in all the territories.

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