As Joe Biden heads over to France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it is a reminder of the stakes of this election.

It was Joe Biden who united countries and put together the massive coalition that came to Ukraine’s defense almost two and a half years ago.

Instead of supporting Ukraine, Donald Trump has made it clear that he has Putin’s back. Trump has said he could end the war in one day. You know that would mean rewarding Putin with all of the Ukrainian territory his army now controls — if not the whole country.

There are so many reasons to support President Biden. But none more important than preventing a collapse of the world order. We are in a battle between Western-style democracy and the autocracies that Donald Trump has consistently shown he is attracted to: Hungary, the Philippines, North Korea, Turkey, and China. Phew that’s a list! 

It’s the reality of what’s at stake that keeps me writing these emails and dedicated to the work MVP is doing to re-elect President Biden. When you help us, we help candidates from Joe on down the ticket.


P.S. In 2018, when Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris, he told aides that he didn’t think it important to visit the resting place of 1,800 Americans who died in battle. Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” The man is sick. And judging by his press conference at Trump Tower last week, he’s not getting any better.

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