Your Job Today

I know you voted early. Or voted this morning. Or are going to vote later today. Just make sure you get all your Democratic friends and relatives to vote.


I want you to door-knock and vote. Or vote and then door-knock. Or make phone calls and vote. Or vote and then make phone calls.

I Made News in Wisconsin!

Sorry. Things aren’t funny anymore. Well, that’s not entirely true. There’s Ron Johnson.

I did a trip to Wisconsin to campaign for Mandela Barnes and raise money for the Wisconsin state party. And I made a little news.


In my first Senate race, I clobbered Norm Coleman by 312 votes. It was the narrowest clobbering in history. Thank God for all the Minnesotans who went out and door knocked for me. And because I became the 60th Democrat in the Senate, we were able to pass The Affordable Care Act.


Oooooooooh. It’s very scary! The Republicans want to take over Congress! You know what that means, don’t you!!! They will kill our children and drink their blood!!!!

Wait! I’m confused! That’s us supposedly.

Let Me Intimidate You!

During the first round of questions during Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Sen. Amy Klobuchar opened by asking the nominee a simple question: “Judge Barrett, under federal law is it illegal to intimidate voters at the polls?”

A Not-Insulting End-of-Quarter Email

If you’re a political donor — and, of course, you are — you get a lot of fundraising emails that insult your intelligence. Unless, of course, you’re an idiot.

Thank you, Lindsey Graham

So, Lindsey Graham has dropped a bill that would ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. A year-and-a-half ago, he introduced a bill that would ban abortion after 20 weeks. I see a trend here. Next year, ten weeks.

I was great on CNN

This past Saturday I was on Jim Acosta’s CNN show with CNN commentator Alice Stewart, a former campaign strategist for Republicans like Rick Santorum, Michele Bachman, and Ted Cruz.

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