“Academics” Think Trump is a GENIUS

If you’ve been following Trump’s wandering stump speeches, you might have noticed a deterioration in holding a narrative together. He goes off on meaningless tangents that don’t seem connected to the main thrust of his speech — or anything, for that matter. 

Many suspect a deterioration in his cognitive abilities. Trump calls it “weaving” and claims that college professors from top universities have noted that he is not marbling his speeches with seemingly disconnected subjects but weaving them together brilliantly by the end.

Like the time recently when he told the story about being on a big boat that hypothetically breaks apart. He’s plunged into the ocean where two things could kill him — a man-eating shark or a huge battery from the ship that has fallen into the water. He asks: “How would he prefer to die?” Easy. He’d choose electrocution over being torn apart by the shark.

I’m not sure how Trump wove that into his policy speech, but according to Trump, these academics are very impressed with his mastery of this literary technique.

There are all kinds of reasons to stop Trump, but it seems that on top of everything else, his cognitive abilities are failing him.


P.S. This race is now a dead heat. If Trump wins, that could mean turning the government over to the Heritage Foundation and the other right-wing radicals who put Project 2025 together. Saying goodbye to the ACA and climate protections. Saying hello to two or three new right-wing Supreme Court justices. Saying goodbye to the FDA’s authority and NOAA. And on and on. Now weave those all together!

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