I’ve been thinking of questions Vice President Kamala Harris can ask Trump in tomorrow night’s debate. For example:

“Why do you suppose your former Chief of Staff John Kelly called you ‘the most flawed person he’d ever met?’”

Or she could ask about Trump’s first Secretary of State Rex Tillerson calling Trump “a fuck*ng moron.”

Or she could ask about Secretary of Defense James Mattis telling friends that his Commander-in-Chief was “more dangerous than anyone could ever imagine.” 

These three served during Donald Trump’s first term. They seem to be saying, “Please God! Don’t give him a second!!!”

Thank God there’s stuff we can all do about it. Get involved! Make phone calls! Door-knock!




P.S. Here’s another one. In 2018, while in France to commemorate the centennial of the end of World War I, Trump was to visit the graves of American soldiers at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery. But he canceled, blaming the rain for the last-minute decision and saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly,” which wasn’t true. Also, he didn’t believe it important to honor American war dead. In a conversation with senior staff members, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” 

Fun story, huh? It’s from The Atlantic.

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