The Most Important Fundraising Email You’ll Get Today!!!

Well, I hope you watched the Democratic Convention in Chicago this week. Quite a contrast to the Republican Convention in Milwaukee, where former President Trump confidently improvised a 90-some-minute monologue that passed as an acceptance speech.

We had our former (and current) presidents speak — Clinton, Obama, Biden. Former President Carter couldn’t make it. He had a good excuse. 

And Hillary Clinton gave a brilliant speech about all the cracks in the glass ceiling that Vice President Kamala Harris will smash on November 5th. If we all do our work.

“Fellow Americans, this election is not only the most important of our lives,” Vice President Harris said during the final night of the convention. “It is one of the most important in the life of our nation.” 

Midwest Values PAC is investing in the most crucial races in the country, including — and as we always do — in ground-game operations in key battleground states.

Ground game means door-knocking. Because of your help we can support organizations focused on mobilizing voters. And the most effective way of identifying our voters and making sure they vote is door-knocking! 

I hope you can donate your time to volunteer — phone-banking, door-knocking, or writing postcards! But we can also use your dollars to get organizers on the ground in the key states that will determine who our next president will be.
And thanks!


P.S. I won my first race for the Senate by 312 votes. Al Gore lost Florida by 537 votes in 2000. Every vote is crucial!

Midwest Values PAC supports candidates & causes that share our values.

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